Respect's Working with Male Victims of Domestic Abuse training is now offered free to Frontline Workers in Wales.

Why attend this training?

Attending this course will enhance the response that practitioners across Wales provide to male victims/survivors impacted by domestic abuse and sexual violence.

How is the training delivered?

This is an online, self-paced training course. The content is delivered with the use of interactive, engaging activities and resources (there is no facilitator).

Learners will have access on Respect's online training platform for 2 weeks. They can choose how frequently and how long to study for, having the flexibility to learn when it’s convenient, without interrupting important work commitments. On average, it takes around 6 hours to complete the online course.

The training also includes a webinar facilitated by a Respect-approved Trainer, as follow-up to the online course, to enhance and embed learning.

The training is provided in English and Welsh.

When is the training taking place?

Learners can choose to register on one of the following groups:

  • Group 1 - training access from 25 January - 8 February 2021, followed by an optional live Q&A session on Thursday 11 February (9.30 - 11am) (NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS THIS COURSE HAS ALREADY STARTED)
  • Group 2 - training access from 8 February - 22 February 2021, followed by an optional live Q&A session on Friday 26 February (9.30 - 11am) (NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS THIS COURSE HAS ALREADY STARTED)
  • Group 3 - training access from 22 February - 8 March 2021, followed by an optional live Q&A session on Thursday 11 March (9.30 - 11am) (NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS THIS COURSE HAS ALREADY STARTED)
  • Group 4 - training access from 8 March - 22 March 2021, followed by an optional live Q&A session on Friday 26 March (9.30 - 11am) (NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS THIS COURSE HAS ALREADY STARTED)

How do I register?

Register here

For any other enquiry related to this training course please contact [email protected]

Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP. VAT registration number: GB185413306
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