Respect offers a high-quality professional development programme that is aligned with the core strands of our work: perpetrators of domestic abuse, male victims of domestic abuse and young people’s violence in close relationships.
The programme includes training courses, webinars, Practice Development Days, Lunch and Learn sessions, and other events aimed primarily at Frontline Workers and Service Managers. We also welcome others who are interested in our work, including Commissioners, Funders, Policy Workers and Academics/Researchers.
Featured training and events
Record keeping for effective case management and defensible decision making in perpetrator interventions(5.12.24)
Training course overview
Good record keeping is the most critical element for effective case management. It is impossible to have case management that's fit for purpose without accurate, complete, and clear recording of information and activities for each case.
Having a consistent system of record keeping is also a prerequisite for defensible decision making. No one can make a defensible decision without access to the information, evidence, data, chronology and other elements of a case. Good record keeping provides that access.
This 1-day training focuses on all aspects of good record keeping, highlighting its importance for case management and for supporting defensible decision making. It makes the links with the Respect Standard requirements around record keeping and case management, so that learners develop skills in good quality record keeping and can evidence that their practice meets accreditation standards.
The training uses case studies that assess the quality of record keeping, as well as various exercises to enable the practical application of the topics covered.
Learning objectives
- Understand the importance of record keeping for effective case management
- Identify the elements of good quality record keeping
- Explore how to address challenges in relation to timely and accurate record keeping
- Review your own record keeping against the requirements of the Respect Standard
- Understand what is meant by defensible decision making and identify its key elements and enablers
This course is aimed at:
- Practitioners in interventions for perpetrators of domestic abuse, including Facilitators, Case Workers, ISS staff, Service Managers.
- Domestic abuse practitioners such as IDVA's or MARAC Coordinators.
- Workers in other domestic abuse services who keep records within a system of case management.