In response to the National Audit Office (NAO) Report on Violence Against Women and Girls, Jo Todd CBE, CEO at Respect said:

“The National Audit Office review of the VAWG Strategy and the Domestic Abuse Plan offers an opportunity to learn and look forward. The findings show that a truly whole system approach will be crucial to developing the new VAWG strategy, whilst ensuring that there is cross government buy in.

The response to VAWG must match the scale of the problem, with prevention, data and funding being central elements of the strategy. We have evidence of what works to stop and prevent VAWG, and these approaches must be properly resourced. Alongside this, an infrastructure needs to be developed to support the roll out of the new strategy.

“We stand ready to work with the sector and with government to shape the new strategy, and to move towards the goal of halving VAWG in the next decade.”

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