What is the Dating Detox Toolkit?

The Dating Detox Toolkit is a toolkit for practitioners to use with young people aged between 11 and 18 who are abusive or at risk of being abusive in intimate relationships. This abuse may be physical, verbal, financial, sexual, coercive, or emotional and may include behaviour like hitting, making threats or causing damage to property.

Who is the training for?

The training is for anyone working with young people where there are concerns about the young people's behaviour towards the people they are close to, particularly in intimate partner relationships. 

These practitioners and services may include:

  • youth workers
  • people working in Youth Justice Services
  • children's workers
  • people working in voluntary and community organisations
  • people working in domestic abuse services

What will the participants learn?

Participants will join this 4- day  live online training course to work through the Dating Detox Toolkit with other practitioner facilitated by the Respect Young People's Service Team

The Dating Detox toolkit is in three sections.

The first section helps the practitioner create a safe environment. There are also ‘getting to know you’ activities which are “pre-work” sessions.

The second section is about developing and maintaining healthy relationships. These activities could be one to one session’s or delivered in a group setting depending on practitioner preference.

The third section of the manual is a behaviour change section. This has specific activities for those already using violence and abuse. Young people can complete these sessions on an individual basis or as a group if required. The toolkit has been developed for practitioners to put together a bespoke programme by using the sessions they feel best address the issues the group or a particular individual may have.  

Who delivers the training?

This training was developed and will be delivered by  experts from the Respect Young Peoples’ Service, who have been delivering specialist interventions addressing young peoples harmful behaviours since 2008 and are recognised as leading experts in sector. 

How much does the training package cost?

You can either commission this training for a full team / cohort of 16 , which costs £11,125 plus VAT, or you can purchase a minimum of 4 places on an open (online) course for £3,580 plus VAT. This includes:

  • 4 days training for toolkit delivery staff, including the Dating Detox a hard copy of the training manual and practitioner training pack.
  • Eight online practice support sessions for practitioners to be taken within 12 months post training
  • A three- year License to deliver Respect’s Dating Detox Toolkit.
  • Access to the practitioner area of the Young People’s Service Website where online and updated versions of the resources are available for the term of the License.

The Dating Detox Toolkit Training can be delivered to groups of up to 16 either online or in person.

Current availability for the 4- day course

Dates for 2025

March: 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st

April TBC

Please contact [email protected]  to enquire about available dates for a full cohort, a quote for between 5 and 15 places or for the team to come to deliver training for you.

The closing date for each cohort is two weeks before the start of the course to allow time for getting training resources and manuals to you.

For more information about group bookings or to book a place, please contact: [email protected]

Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP. VAT registration number: GB185413306
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