Amanda started her career working with children and young people over 25 years ago as a youth worker mainly focusing on single gender work. Amanda had a variety of roles in the Youth Service including running a skate park, young women’s work, detached youth work, information, advice and guidance before undertaking a BA(Hons) in Community and Youth Studies and  focusing on young people’s health and healthy relationships. 

From front line delivery, Amanda moved into a more strategic role developing projects, partnership working  and writing and delivering training for the children’s workforce before moving to the role of Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator, back in the day of the national teenage pregnancy strategy. Amanda picked up  other commissioning workstreams and had the longest job title ever, before gaining a Masters in Public Health.

Amanda started working in the domestic abuse  sector as a Children’s Services Manager for IDAS a domestic abuse charity in Yorkshire and became familiar with the Respect Young People’s Programme. Amanda joined Respect in 2019 to further develop Respect’s Young People’s Services to support professionals working with families where children and young people are violent and abusive.

In her spare time Amanda recently taken up glass fusing so her house is full of strange shaped bits of glass. She also likes knitting huge blankets in preparation for a cold winter and cleaning up after two very large Doodle’s. 

Amanda is a grandma and goes out of her way not to conform to a stereotype preferring the image of “supergran” or “Granbo” and can often be seen riding around York on her Vespa.

[email protected]

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