The Men's Advice Line supports men experiencing domestic abuse. If you want to talk to someone, you can speak to our friendly and professional advisors on the phone, by email or on webchat. No pressure, no judgement, just help. Below is an account from an individual who called the advice line to talk about his relationship. 

"I called the Men’s Advice Line because I didn’t know what to do. My relationship has been breaking down for years. My partner shouts and calls me names all the time. Sometimes she’s violent but I don’t think it’s that bad as I’m 6 foot tall and she’s only 5 foot 2 so it doesn’t really hurt. 

I just can’t seem to do anything right, and she says it’s my fault. I really have tried my best by not going out anymore or seeing friends, otherwise she gets angry and takes it out on me when I get back home. She even gets cross when I see my sister and brother. I’m scared I will lose my children if we split and she keeps threatening to take them from me and move up near to her parents, which is miles away. I feel like I have no rights and have to do what I’m told.

The Men’s Advice Line Advisor helped me see that I had lost a lot of choice in my relationship because I was scared of my partner’s reaction. I realised I was feeling alone and isolated since I’d stopped seeing friends and family. Although the violence hasn’t caused serious injuries and I am much bigger and stronger, being hit is still not okay. 

I also learned about other organisations who helped me to understand my rights to my children. I didn’t know that I have the same rights as my partner and knowing that has made a huge difference in making a final decision on separating. This has taken a huge burden off me, and I feel clear about my next steps. Thank you."

To find out more about Respect Men's Advice Line, visit their website or email the team.

Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP. VAT registration number: GB185413306
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