Alice started her career as a secondary school teacher, then began working for Monmouthshire Women’s Aid as a youth work coordinator, designing and delivering healthy relationships programmes in schools and working one to one with teenagers affected by domestic abuse. She worked for over 11 years as a front line practitioner developing children and young people’s services including an early intervention mentoring programme for boys affected by domestic abuse.  

Alice moved into a more strategic role at Welsh Women’s Aid as part of the Children Matter team, delivering training for the S.T.A.R (Safety, Trust and Respect) programme, developing resources and supporting implementation across Wales. Her work at WWA included working as a trainer, managing a services development team and a capacity building project for members.

Alice joined Respect in 2021 as Young People’s Programme Implementation Lead to support professionals working with families and young people.

Alice lives in South Wales and when not at work spends a lot of time watching her two children run around on pitches in the rain.

[email protected]


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