Respect Membership terms and conditions

Thank you for applying to join Respect. Please read the terms and conditions of membership, they set out your rights and obligations as a member of Respect (a "Member" or "you" in what follows). These terms and conditions are based on our charitable constitution.


Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Respect’s registered address is VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP.
Respect will be referred to as “Respect” or "we" in these terms and conditions.

Your details

1. All applications for membership shall be treated as if the terms of the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 and EC Directive 97/7/EC applied for the purposes of cancellation. Accordingly, any cancellations in respect of these must be made within seven working days of the application being made. Cancellation must be sent by email to [email protected] 
2. You are responsible for informing us of changes to your personal details, including change of name and change of role. [If you are provided with individual passwords for access to our on-line services, these must not be shared with anyone else.]
3. A service that becomes a member must inform us of all members of staff they wish to be added to their membership, doing so will enable their staff to access our free Members-only resources, as well as book training and events at discounted prices.
4. All Members agree that email addresses and other personal details provided to Respect may be used for administrative purposes and to fulfil your Respect membership, this will include updates about training and Members’ benefits, and invites to Respect events.
5. Respect may send you invitations to take part in surveys or focus groups to ask for your help to shape Respect’s work.
6. Respect may send you information about our products and services via email or phone where we feel these would be of interest to you and you have given your consent to hear from us in this way.
7. You can opt-out of these membership communications at any time, although they form part of your Membership benefits.
8. If you wish to change how we contact you then please inform us in writing by emailing  [email protected]
9. If your membership lapses, we will contact you/ your service for a brief time to ask whether you would like to rejoin our membership.
10. Respect uses the personal information that you provide to deliver our Membership services. We take your privacy seriously and promise to never sell your data. You can find out more about your rights, how we use your personal information and how we keep your details safe and secure by reading our Privacy Policy.

Membership fees and payment

Individual membership- fee: £152

Organisational membership

Income up to £100K - fee: £187
£100k-£250k - fee: £248
£250K-£500k - fee: £402
£500k-£1m - fee: £523
£1m-£5m - fee: £634
above £5m - fee: £1,584
11. All Members shall pay an annual membership fee as set out below, organisational members’ fees are based on the organisation’s turnover. Membership fees are set annually and communicated to members ahead of their renewal date.
12. The first year of membership shall operate for 12 months from the date we receive payment of your annual membership fee. For Direct Debit payments, this means your annual membership shall operate from the date that your payment is successfully collected. If we are not able to collect payment on the date specified as your preferred collection date, annual membership will begin on the first date thereafter that payment is successfully collected.
13. In the event that you prefer to pay via invoice/ manually, membership will similarly start from the date that we receive your payment. 
14. When renewing an annual membership, this will run for 12 months from the date immediately following the end of the previous membership, provided we have received payment of the annual membership fee. In the event we have not received payment of the renewal fee on or before the end date of the previous membership, the renewed membership will be deemed to begin on the date that payment is successfully collected. For Direct Debit payments, this means that the annual membership will renew on the date that payment is successfully collected. In the event that we are not able to collect payment on the date specified as the preferred collection date, the annual membership will renew on the first date thereafter that payment is successfully collected.
15. Respect reserves the right to withhold membership rights and benefits at our absolute discretion for any period where your annual membership fee has not been successfully collected. For members who are renewing their annual membership, this may mean that membership rights and benefits are withheld while payment of your renewal fee remains outstanding.
16. Payment by Direct Debit or Standing Order: Before each membership period ends, a renewal notice will be issued. If renewal is not required, you must inform Respect at the earliest reasonable opportunity.
17. Payment by credit/debit card: Before each membership period ends, a renewal notice will be issued, and the membership will be discontinued unless a further membership payment is received by you with a wish to continue your membership.
18. Members agree to settle all legitimate invoices by Respect within 28 days of receipt.
19. Membership may be terminated at the discretion of Respect if a member is considered to be in breach of these terms and conditions.
20. Subject to any statutory right to cancel, all membership fees are non-refundable once payment has been received.

Membership benefits

21. As a Member of Respect, you are entitled to:

• Discounted training and network events
• Practice Development Days for practitioners
• Free job adverts for your service in our monthly e-newsletter promoted on Respect’s social media accounts.
• Access to expert advice sessions offered every week. 
• Policy consultations and sector surveys
• Exclusive website content, including Members-only resources, such as briefing papers, research reports etc. 

However, Respect reserves the right to vary, amend or withdraw these rights and benefits at our discretion.

Members who are Respect Accredited access the following additional benefits:

• Monthly CEO’s networking meeting
• Exclusive attendance to Respect Accredited Members’ meetings.

Respect publications and materials

22. Unless stated otherwise, all publications and materials supplied to Members, including those used in our training are the copyright work of Respect. Members may not reproduce, transmit, distribute, sell, or commercially exploit these materials without the prior written consent of Respect or to the extent expressly permitted by law.
23. All information provided by Respect to Members is on an "as is basis". Whilst Respect makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and relevance of all such information we cannot guarantee the completeness, quality or non-infringement of third parties rights in relation to these materials.


24. Respect may at its absolute discretion refuse the application of an individual or an organisation to become a member without having to give any reason for its decision. An applicant whose membership application is refused has the right to appeal to Respect’s Board of Trustees against the refusal and the Board of Trustees will re-consider the application in light of any further information provided by the applicant before reaching a final decision as to whether or not the individual or organisation should be admitted as a member.
25. To become a member, you must: 

1. be a minimum age of 16 years old at time of application.

2. Agree in writing that you will work in line with Respect’s Principles

3. Agree to the terms and conditions of Respect Membership

Submitting an application form for membership requires your confirmation that you meet the above conditions.


26. Subject to paragraph 29, in no event shall Respect be liable to Members or to any other third party for any lost profit, or any special, incidental or consequential damages (however arising, including negligence) arising out of, or in connection with services, benefits and/or products supplied by Respect.
27. Subject to paragraph 29, liability under all circumstances shall be limited to the annual membership fee paid for by the individual concerned.
28. Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes liability for death or personal injury caused by Respect’s negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.


29. The rights of a member – whether Individual or given as a benefit of being part of an organisational member - are personal and cannot be transferred or assigned.
30. Membership rights shall cease on a Member's death or an individual ceasing to be a Member.
31. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted by English law and any dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
32. All members are bound by Respect’s Articles of Association. A copy of these is available from us on request.

Reviewed: February 2024

Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP
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