What is Safe and Together Overview training?

This one-day training provides participants with an introduction to, and overview of, the Safe & Together Model. 

The sessions provide participants with information about creating a domestic abuse informed child welfare system, the principles and components of the Safe & Together Model, and information about the framework behind competency-building in child welfare around domestic abuse. 

Who is the training for?

The training will be useful to Practitioners in the Safe & Together London Partnership Boroughs who come into contact with families affected by domestic violence.  

What are the training objectives?

  • To introduce a perpetrator pattern framework
  • To introduce and understand the Safe &Together Model principles and components and how those guide practice in various roles
  • To introduce how to use the Safe & Together Model as a way to enhance good practice in various roles, reduce risk effectively and achieve better outcomes

How is this course delivered?

This course is delivered remotely over Zoom.

When is this training available?

• Course 23 – January 28th & 29th (1-4pm) | Deadline: 21st January 2025 (12:00)

• Course 24 – March 4th & 5th (1-4pm) | Deadline: 25th February 2025 (12:00)

How do I register my interest?

Please e-mail your Implementation Lead to register your interest.

Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP
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