The aim of this project was to establish a military families specialism on the Routes to Supportii (RtS) online system for domestic violence and abuse (DVA) services, so that military families experiencing DVA can be better signposted to appropriate services, whether military, quasi-military, or civilian services, with specialist knowledge.

To achieve this aim, this project sought the views of key stakeholders with an interest in military families suffering DVA, in order to help first inform a definition of what a service offering a ‘military family specialism’ would look like, and so in turn, be able to identify such services to add to the RtS system. Stakeholders included: the Ministry of Defence (MOD); Military Welfare Agencies; DVA specialist civilian services; DVA Perpetrator Programmes; military charities; DVA policy makers; and victim/survivors of abuse from military families.

Read about the key findings from the project.

Domestic Violence and Abuse in Military Families: Improving Signposting to Specialist Support
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