Respect Accreditation is changing. As we look towards the fourth edition of the Respect Standard due to be launched in 2021 we are thinking about the process and experience of services working towards accreditation. It has always been our objective that accreditation should be more than assessment and quality in practice but a time for both development, and reflection for services. As a membership organisation we seek new ways to draw organisations together to share ideas and innovation with one another. Our learning through a previous project in working with a cohort of agencies seeking accreditation has led us to the understanding that support for one another and the ability to network is key. We will couple this with input and guidance regarding accreditation and service development to ensure a more streamlined approach to attaining accreditation.
If you are keen to commence your accreditation journey in 2021 then we would welcome a conversation with you to find out how we can work together and how Respect accreditation can work for your organisation. We will continue to offer flexibility on when services can start accreditation but you do not need to do that alone, we want to offer this additional package of support, working with a small group of other services to achieve Accreditation.