Alongside the Drive partnership[1], Make a Change[2], Change that Lasts in Wales[3], and all of our accredited members, we warmly welcome the news that the Home Office has launched an £11.1m fund for perpetrator interventions.

The areas of focus within the fund are:

  • Programmes that address known issues in relation to domestic abuse perpetration 
  • Programmes that focus on children and adolescents 
  • Programmes aimed at stalking perpetrators 

Respect has made it clear that all funded interventions must be safe, effective and accountable with survivors at the centre.

Grants will be provided to PCCs as the lead partner, but it is expected that PCCs will deliver the intervention in collaboration with a partner organisation. The funding period is from 1st August 2021 – 31st March 2022, and there is a 4-month match funding requirement, which can be in kind, for 1st April 2022 – 31st July 2022.

The closing date for applications is 2nd July 2021 at 12pm. More information about the areas of focus is available here.

Respect has also created some guidance around the funding for Accredited Members.

[1] The Drive Partnership is made up of Respect, Social Finance and SafeLives

[2] In partnership with Women’s Aid Federation England

[3] In partnership with Welsh Women’s Aid

Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP. VAT registration number: GB185413306
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