Do you know?

Anonymous registration is available to anyone who feels their safety would be compromised by appearing on the main, searchable, electoral register.

Men Reaching Out and Hull City Council are in the process of exploring how much is generally known about this, and the procedure involved, in order to really see how accessible this is to the people who really need it.

The main aim, with your support, is to enhance awareness of electoral register anonymity, especially in regards to survivors of domestic abuse.  Understanding how much is already known is extremely valuable and will help to carefully plan a strategy.

As part of this analysis, Respect and the Men's Advice Line are supporting this effort and we are contacting organisations and professionals to obtain a snapshot of information about the level of awareness of Electoral Anonymity.

We would be extremely grateful if you could complete the survey below to help develop an understanding of how much is known about this process. Your answers will of course be held securely and anonymously.

To access the survey, simply click and follow the link below:

Domestic Abuse, Safeguarding & Electoral Register Anonymity Survey

Your submission would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact:

Jess Clifford-Wilkinson,   Electoral Services Assistant, Hull City Council   

Email[email protected]

Please feel free to share this survey to any colleagues who may also wish to participate.

Many thanks in advance for your kind support .

Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP. VAT registration number: GB185413306
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