Respect offers a high-quality professional development programme that is aligned with the core strands of our work: perpetrators of domestic abuse, male victims of domestic abuse and young people’s violence in close relationships. 

The programme includes training courses, webinars, Practice Development Days, Lunch and Learn sessions, and other events aimed primarily at Frontline Workers and Service Managers. We also welcome others who are interested in our work, including Commissioners, Funders, Policy Workers and Academics/Researchers. 

Featured training and events

Culturally competent work with perpetrators of domestic abuse - 24 and 25 September 2024

Training course overview

Drive and Respect are delighted to bring you this brand new training course. This course will encourage participants to actively reflect on culture and cultural competency, and will increase understanding on how to engage with perpetrators from any background or culture. Learners will interrogate cultural biases and barriers that feed into practice, and they will learn and practice how to navigate and respond to cultural and religious justifications for abuse.

Participants will learn how to understand, work with and across different cultures. They will also consider the diverse ways by which culture influences practice.

Learning objectives

  • Explore what culture is and what is required in order to be culturally competent 
  • Understand how increased cultural competence can prevent unintentional victim blaming
  • Gain knowledge in spiritual and familial abuse
  • Gain confidence in challenging cultural and religious justifications for domestic abuse
  • Be prepared for pitfalls that may arise and feel confident navigating these
  • Explore best practice for using interpreters
  • Develop appropriate and holistic responses which are boundaried whilst respecting service users‘ right to a cultural identity
  • Share good practice and tips for culturally competent practice

This course is aimed at:

  • Practitioners working with domestic abuse perpetrators
  • Practitioners working with victims/survivor
  • Frontline workers who want to understand the impact culture has on those affected by domestic abuse

Book your place here

Image of the RYPP logo

Image of the RYPP logoRespect Young People's Programme

A 4 day on- line course to support practitioners to deliver the Respect Young People's Programme
19 Sep 2024 10:00am
two hands linking at one finger

two hands linking at one fingerDating Detox

This is a 4-day training online course to support the delivery of the Dating Detox Toolkit.
17 Oct 2024 9:30am
Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP
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